Monday, January 27, 2020
Stages Of A Typical Performance Management System Management Essay
Stages Of A Typical Performance Management System Management Essay Performance can be defined as the end result of an activity. A performance management system therefore is defined as a process of establishing performance standards and evaluating performance in order to arrive at objective human resource decisions as well as to provide documentation to support those decisions. (Stephen P. Robbins, 2005, p. 296) A good performance management system is essential for Interact to be able to manage the dwindling individual performance. To develop a good system Interact will need to consider the three main aspects of managing individual performance, these include: planning performance, delivering and monitoring and formal assessment and reward. These are well illustrated in the performance cycle as illustrated by figure 1 below Figure 1 Stages of a typical performance management system Source: (Derek Torrington, p. 263) The first key aspect of managing individual performance is the planning performance stage. This is where a manager at interact sits down with his subject and they collaboratively set individual objectives originally obtained from team objectives and the agreed job description. These objectives are designed in a way that they also offer potential development as well as fulfilling the general organisations general objectives. They should also include measures of how they can be assessed. One common approach managers use in setting these objectives is with the SMART acronym. This suggests that the objectives set should be Specific, Measurable, Appropriate, Relevant and Timed. A good example of a good objective for an employee working in the component development department could be: To develop a new mobile phone component by March 2010 (started in January 2010) It is important that managers do not forget to plan for the support, development and resources necessary for the employee to be able to accomplish the objectives. The second key aspect is the delivering and monitoring performance stage. As the interact employee sets about to achieve the performance agreed, the manger should ensure that he is available at all times so that the employee can consult him/her at any moment when needed. There may be some unpredicted hindrances towards the achievement of performance and in some instances targets may have to be revised. Ongoing coaching is important whereby the manager can guide the employees through discussion and providing constructive feedback. Continuous informal reviews held between the employee and his manager should be carried out so as to ensure that work is going as agreed and whether the agreed performance will be attainable by the agreed dates. Objectives signed off as complete and recognition of work done so far help to act as motivation for the employee in the future for other objectives yet to be completed. The last key aspect of the performance cycle is the formal assessment and reward stage. This stage involves regular reviews of the development of the objectives and to motivate the employee. Annual reviews are also necessary in this stage whereby what has been achieved is compared with what had been set to be achieved which may affect pay and salary increments. Interact managers should take note that employees see reviews as fair only if the targets set are achievable and judgements were seen to be consistent throughout the organisation. Different styles of appraising employees could be adopted in order to make the best assessment but a popular and widely used approach is the problem solving style which is one of the styles developed by the American psychologist, Norman Maier. This approach suggests that The appraiser starts the interview by encouraging the employee to identify and discuss problem areas and then consider solutions. The employee therefore plays an active part in analysing problems and suggesting solutions, and then evaluation of performance emergence from the discussion at the appraisal interview, instead of being imposed by the appraiser upon the employee. (Anderson, 1993, p. 102). However, it should be taken note that this style works best if the employees are ready for it and the mangers are willing to behave in this way which is not always the case. After the reviews have been conducted and achievement of tasks has been high, reward is necessary. Most management systems include pay in the reward package but ongoing research has shown that element of pay had very little effect in the motivation of employees. Other forms of reward other than monetary such as promotion and offering of individual development opportunities are found to be more motivating to employees. In order for the successful implementation of a performance management system, line managers who are closer to the employees need to be included in the Human Resource team when designing the system. Training of the line managers is essential before and during the introduction of the system. Task 2 Learning can be defined as the process of acquiring knowledge. Learning and development is an essential part in keeping the performance of Interacts employees up to standard. Currently, there have been issues and complains from the employees about the quality of training being offered, and the lack of enough training to keep the component developers up to date with emerging technologies. This is a serious problem for interact being the fact that it is operating in an industry that requires a high degree of innovation and creativity. It indicates the need for an effective people development strategy. A good approach that could be used to establish an effective people development strategy would be the systematic training cycle. This cycle includes for steps that are; identifying training needs, designing development activity, carrying out development and evaluating development. This can be illustrated by the diagram below. Environment Business strategy People development strategy Figure 2 A systematic model of learning and training Source: (Derek Torrington, p. 391) Considering figure 2, the first step in the model is identifying training and learning needs. Before any activity can commence, interact managers should take note that identifying these needs should not be the sole role of the human resource team but should be a process that involves the employees too. Employees about to receive training should not be considered as subjects but as participants of the scheme. Interact managers should also take note that modern day effective training requires not only a focus on development of technical skills alone but also personal skills, attitudes and self-management therefore broadening the needs scope. One approach that interact managers could use to identify the training and learning needs is the problem centred approach. This approach analyses whether there are any performance problems and analyses whether they are caused by lack of skill and if so, which. The gap between expected performance and actual performance is the one that helps to bring about the training need. For example, an identified problem with interact is that the component developers are not up to date with new technological development therefore the training need would be to continuously keep the developers up to date. After training needs have been identified, the next step will be designing the development activity. There various methods of learning and development that Interact managers could use such as; education and training courses (off job), manager coaching and teaching, self development groups and open and distance learning. (On job). The next step is carrying out the development activity. For education and training courses, Interact managers could use the consultancy courses. They could range from one day to several weeks in some cases. These have the advantage that they enable employees from various organisations to meet and share their experiences. In order to be very effective, they should concentrate on specific skills of knowledge, such as being introduced to new technological developments. Management should take note that these courses are usually expensive despite the fact that they are of short duration. There is a big challenge that Interact managers should be prepared to face and that is the ensuring of the transfer of what the employees have learnt back to the organisation. To counteract this problem, managers could set goals for implementing new skills once the employees return from training. In case the Interact management decide to use on job training methods take manager coaching and teaching as an example, the line manager will act as a mentor or coach for the trainees involved. He will provide feedback, counselling, encouragement discussion and sincere feedback. Management should however take note that not all line managers can provide effective coaching, as it requires good interpersonal skills and commitment from the manager to accept the coaching role. Interact management could also support the use of self development groups whereby informal groups formed by employees come together and discuss organisational issues, personal development and individual work problems. The group should however be headed by an experienced leader who plays the role of a facilitator and to some extent, a source of information. This group leader could drop off as the group matures. Such a method of learning and development requires a high level of commitment from the group members and a close follow up on the side of management. The final step in the learning cycle is the evaluating development stage. While evaluating development, changes in skills, knowledge, behaviour and attitudes need to be considered. However, research has proved that it is actually very difficult to asses some aspects of learning or training that have been carried out such as changes in attitudes and behaviour. A post course questionnaire could be issued out to the trainees but this usually tends to evaluate the course and not the training. Evaluation could also be carried out by setting up goals basing on what the individuals have learnt during training and the extent to which the employees meet these goals would indicate how effective the training had been. It is recommended that managers should keep on evaluating the trainees continuously from the beginning as they attend the training courses and not to pin the evaluation process at the end of the course. Task 3 Leadership can be defined as the Process in which an individual influences other group members towards the attainment of group or organisational goals. (Shackleton, 1995, p. 2) There is a close link between leadership and motivation and performance implying that the leadership style being used may have either positive or negative impacts on these. Due to the recession, Interact adopted a rather autocratic approach and have become more task focused. An autocratic leader is a leader who tends to centralise authority, dictate work methods, make unilateral decisions and limit employee participation. (Stephen p. Robbins, 2005, p. 593) The advantage of such a style is that it leads to quick decision making and work getting done on time. However, there are various negative impacts Interact could face as result of applying such a leadership style. To start with, according to Vrooms expectancy theory which says that An individual tends to act in a certain way based on the expectation that the act will be followed by a given outcome and on the attractiveness of that outcome to the individual. (Stephen p. Robbins, 2005, p. 405), we can see that expectancy has an impact on motivation. Therefore not expecting employees to perform unless they are directed to will only cause them to behave in that way leading to demotivation and poor performance. Also using Maslows hierarchy of needs, the need for affiliation could be a motivational factor. Therefore not involving employees in the decision making process and centralising authority only makes the employees feel alienated and thus end up feeling demotivated. The autocratic style of leadership also fails to recognise that social needs are a motivational factor for employees. Maslow recognised the need for affiliation as an important attribute in human motivation therefore making decisions or planning activities while excluding those who are going to be affected may demotivate them. Autocratic leadership also makes the employees feel that the organisation does not trust them enough to make wise decisions for the good of the organisation. This demotivates them and makes them feel like they are not a part of the organisation or not responsible enough. As a result of being very task oriented, such as style does not have much concern for the needs of their subordinates. This is clearly indicated by the lack of a sound human resource function and the fact that the Interact management has so far refused to meet with the group of employee representatives who are trying to voice employee concerns. This has led to feelings of resentment, alienation and a drop in performance levels. In conclusion, the autocratic style of leadership has a rather more negative impact than positive effects, but this is not to say that Interact should not apply it, rather they could blend it in with other styles of leadership. Using the managerial grid designed by Blake and Mouton, THE MANAGERIAL GRID High concern for people Low concern for production Country Club management High concern for people High concern for production Team management Low concern for people Low concern for production Impoverished management Low concern for people High concern for production Authority-compliance management High People Low Production High The managerial grid Source: (Derek Torrington, p. 304) Most managers agree that the best leadership style would be the team management which has both high concerns for people and production but there is a new approach that suggests that the best style is to use all these four styles together basing on different times and different situations. Task 4 The complaints voiced by employees over the need to work harder and longer to keep their jobs and increased levels of stress are a sign that the quality of the working life at Interact is deteriorating. Work-life balance is very important as it keeps the employees happy and contented with their jobs therefore reducing absenteeism and turnover. There are a number of practices that management at Interact could implement so as to improve the situation. To begin with, offering the employees flexible working hours would greatly help employees who need more time outside the job. Allowing female workers to have their maternity leaves also enables to keep the employees happy with their current jobs. The Interact management can also train their line managers to deal with employee stress. The line managers should encourage the employees to talk and voice out what is truly getting them stressed up. An increased level of stress at work is a total wake up call that Interact needs to change its style of leadership and control. Not allowing employees to freely raise their voices over the different issues in the organisation and refusing to recognise their representative group only makes them feel unappreciated and demoralised. Interact could also reorganise their working practices such that the workers could get work done without having to spend extra long hours to work while maintaining the same quality of performance. The amount of days employees can get in their leaves should be adequate giving employees enough time to rest and relax so that they can return to work revitalised. For those workers who may not be able to get to work but and yet their jobs do not demand their physical presence at the premises, interact could offer them alternatives of working at home. This will help to boost performance while at the same time saving valuable time lost when the work is not done at all. In case workers are having to work overtime, Interact should devise a payment scheme that covers these extra hours in a manner that is of mutual benefit with the employees. Interact could even go to the extent of ensuring that maternity pay is reasonable and comfortable for the employees. This will make them return to work much more happily and boost their attachment to the company. For those in areas where the work demands them to do the same routine job everyday, Interact management could introduce rotation where other employees doing other routine work could be set up to be exchanging activities so as to prevent them from getting bored. However there are some limitations that Interact should take note about work-life balance policies. For example, some policies such as maternity pay only target the female employees therefore bringing about a feeling of neglect with the other employees. Another problem is the fact that some policies may actually be put in place and yet employees may not take them up and use them. Task 5 Absenteeism can be defined as the To tackle this problem, Managers at Interact need to set up a procedure to solve the absenteeism problem. The process could involve the following steps; Identify the absence problem Locate the absence problem Identify and prioritize the cause of absence Evaluate the current control method Design the absence control program Implement the absence control program Monitor the effectiveness of the program The first step of solving the absenteeism problem is assessing it. Interact could do this by collecting statistical data about thee current absence levels. This can be done by gathering information on how many people did not come in to work for a certain period of time. After the pattern has been identified, the next step is to locate the absence problem. This is done by using collected data to find out which specific departments had the highest levels of absentees for the period. The next step is to identify the cause of absence in the departments selected. An autocratic leadership style of the line managers in Interact, longer working hours, low levels of responsibility and decision making could result into dissatisfaction with the job situation therefore leading to a rise in absence levels. Evaluating the current absence control method is what follows after the causes of absence have been identified. During evaluation, Interact should be able to see the weaknesses of the current control program and why it is failing to work effectively. After evaluation, Interact should design a new control program that tackles the problem. There are a few recommendations of measures that could be put in place to help reduce the problem, First of all, I would recommend to Interact that they should try and maintain continuous contact with the employees who are absent from work. This is known to greatly reduce the length of absence and shows the employee that the organisation in concerned about the well being of its people. One visit a month by the line manager of the employee could be effective. Another useful activity that interact could do to manage absence is to include attendance levels in the performance review at the end of the year. Having high levels of absence during the year would be considered as underperformance in the review. I would also recommend that the line managers undergo training so as to ensure that the absence procedures are effectively carried out. Proper training on how to handle employees who are frequently absent could greatly reduce the absence levels. A deep understanding of the causes of absence would enable Interact to be able to tackle the absenteeism problem. Known causes of absenteeism at Interact include, employees working longer hours and increased levels of stress. When trying to identify the problems, management should not only consider what the absentees have filed as the reason for their absence as research has shown that they tend to write excuses that appear valid to the organisation. Interact should build a culture of trust with its employees such that they can get them to explain the real causes of absence and thus they can respond to them effectively. The last step after the absence control program has been designed is to implement it while continuously monitoring it by collecting statistical data to observe whether the absence levels are falling or not. If it is not effective then Interact have to find out why, make the necessary corrections and continue with it Task 6 Employee turnover is the rate at which employees voluntarily leave their jobs. At interact, the level of employee turnover has been relatively high. Collecting information on staff turnover is quite difficult to collect though one best approach could be by using exit interviews. However, there are some major reasons why staff could be leaving interact. Push factors One reason why Interact employees could be leaving their jobs is because of Push factors. This concept suggests poor working conditions, people development strategy, dissatisfaction with company policies, negative effects of autocratic leadership style, job insecurity among others to be the cause of forcing people to leave the organisation. In other words, Interact is pushing away its employees by failing to provide a good organisational and working environment to keep the employees satisfied. Interact could control this cause by making the organisation more employee friendly. Another reason why employees could be leaving Interact is because of pull factors. This concept implies that rival employers in the telephone component manufacturing industry are pulling Interact employees towards them. This could be because they are paying higher salaries, offering better benefit packages, training opportunities or they have more attractive working environments. The best way Interact could reduce turnover caused by this way is by first of all analysing what other organisations in the industry are offering that is making them more attractive and therefore making sure they can level up. Another approach is by identifying unique selling points offered by Interact that other organisations dont have and communicating them to staff. Employees could also be leaving Interact as a result of functional turnover. This is a situation where employee resignations are accepted by both Interact and the employee involved. This could be because of failure of the employee to conform with the organisational culture or as a result of continuous poor performance. The best way to handle turnover caused in this way is by improving the recruitment process so as to avoid such people in the first place. Outside factors could also be making employees leave Interact. These are reasons that have nothing to do with the job. They could be leaving because their partners are leaving the city, personal desire for self employment. In this situation, there is nothing much that Interact could do to stop these kinds of employees from leaving the organisation as it is beyond their control. The rate of employee turnover at Interact could be greatly reduced by putting in place certain strategies so as to manage the turnover rates. Firstly one tool that Interact could use is pay. Research has shown that organisations offering higher salaries appear more attractive than those with less. However, pay alone may not be enough to keep the employees from leaving. It should be combined with other benefits such as holidays, healthcare offers and staff discounts. The best approach in offering such benefits is by letting the employees pick benefits that they prefer as different employees may be interested in different packages. Another tool that Interact could use to help reduce turnover rates is putting in place family friendly Human Resource practices. Considering the fact that many people leave work due to family and personal reasons giving employees more time to spend with their families through holiday packages, flexible working hours and a well paid maternity leave may greatly help to reduce the rates. Improving the quality of line management may also help to reduce the turnover rates as these managers play a critical role in employee relations. To ensure that the selected line managers are effective, they should be selected basing on their supervisory capabilities, undergo training and appraised on their supervisory skills. Finally induction is also known to help in reducing early staff turnover rates as it helps to fit the employee into the organisation and defines his/her role in it. Organisational induction could be done by the Human resource department and may include a presentation on health and safety regulations and fire evacuation procedures. This type of induction could last a few days. The other type of induction is the job-based induction. This usually takes longer and is mostly carried out by the immediate line manager and in the background, fellow employees and includes activities like getting to know the organisation culture, how work is done and what is expected of him/her. Managing employee expectations from the beginning could also play a crucial role in reducing the turnover rates. This is done by letting the employee know exactly what to expect from his job right at the start of his/her career so that they are more prepared when they face the challenges. Challenges could include time pressures etc
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Gallipoli Essay
A relevant idea in the film Gallipoli, produced by Peter Weir, is that war is a tragic waste of life. Weir made this idea seem relevant in the world today by using film techniques including music, dialogue and symbolism. Gallipoli is the story of a young man who went off to World War One. This particular film narrates the story of an eighteen-year-old from Western Australia who boarded a troop ship bound for Gallipoli. These soldiers fought the Turks in a campaign to capture Constantinople in 1915. It was Archy Hamiltonââ¬â¢s sacrifices that highlighted the main idea that war was a tragic waste of life. Music is the first technique used to show us that war is a tragic waste of life, an idea that is relevant in the world today. Adagio in G Minor was a fitting sad and sombre piece. It was played along with blue lighting and visual effects such as the smoke when the soldiers crossed from Lemnos to Gallipoli. This piece of music really made me feel sad. It really helped to convey the sombre mood. The blue lighting and smoke also helped to add to the tension of the scene. This scene reminded me of animals heading off to a slaughterhouse. The superior officers acted as the humans, whilst the soldiers acted as the animals. It was these attitudes towards life and society that really helped me to understand that war is a tragic a waste of life. The officersââ¬â¢ attitudes showed that they did not seem to care about the soldiersââ¬â¢ lives or personalities. They just wanted to win the war. This idea is backed up by the dialogue between Major Barton and Colonel Robinson. ââ¬Å"If the Turks get back in their trenches weââ¬â¢ll get cut to pieces! â⬠ââ¬Å"I still say you must go. â⬠This attitude of the officerââ¬â¢s also has relevance in todayââ¬â¢s world. There are still people out there nowadays who are so ambitious that they do not care what is in their way or who gets hurt. They are determined to reach their goal, for example a parliamentary race for election or an athleteââ¬â¢s fight for a champion title. Dialogue is a technique used to show us that war is a tragic waste of life, an idea that is still relevant in the world today. In the opening scenes we are shown a tracking shot of Archy sprinting and his ââ¬Ëworld-classââ¬â¢ time. This is showing us a brief snapshot of Archyââ¬â¢s talent. Later in the film Uncle Jack says to Archy, ââ¬Å"Youââ¬â¢ve got the God-given ability to be amongst our very greatest. â⬠This piece of dialogue really conveyed to me the extent of his talent and that he could go far. This is why I was dismayed to find out that Archy was killed in action. The enemy does not care who is in the firing line or what the oppositionââ¬â¢s personal talents are, they are just there to win the war. So not only is war a tragic waste of life, but a waste of talent too. Eric Bogleââ¬â¢s hit single ââ¬ËAnd the Band Played Waltzing Matildaââ¬â¢ also backed up this idea. In the song he mentioned the ââ¬Å"wounded and maimed. â⬠This refers to those men like Archy, who had the potential to go far but war got in the way. Their talents were wasted or never had the chance to develop, because their countries were fighting over a minor issue that could have been resolved. This idea is also relevant in the world today because everyone has the potential to do or become something great. You just have to look deep inside yourself to find it. That is why it makes me so sad to see people wasting their talent and potential over one silly and stupid mistake and then end up going to jail. Another technique used to show that war is a tragic waste of life is symbolism. Symbolism is also used to show that this idea is still relevant in the world today. One example of this would be the use of watches. We are shown a close up shot of Uncle Jack clocking Archyââ¬â¢s record-breaking time. Later in the film, before Archy goes over the top of the trench, we are shown him hanging up the watch along with his other meagre possessions. This shows us that it means something to him. I believe this is because it reminds him of back home, his friends and family. The watch is also a symbol of Archyââ¬â¢s talent and is something that brings Uncle Jack and Archy closer. I also believe that the use of watches is used to symbolise death and that death runs on itââ¬â¢s own clock. This idea is also relevant in the world today when people face the tragedy of cancer. We cannot control whether we will be alive tomorrow, we just have to let life run its course. It made me really sad to see the watch being hung up on the bayonet because I felt it brought me to the end. Also, when Uncle Jack is saying goodbye, he said, ââ¬Å"Take care of it boy. This is referring to the watch. This statement reinforces Archyââ¬â¢s youth by using the word ââ¬Å"boyâ⬠. It also reinforces the meaning of the watch for him. To conclude, the techniques used to show that war is a tragic waste of life are music, dialogue and symbolism. These techniques were also used to show this main ideaââ¬â¢s relevance in todayââ¬â¢s world. I think the world today has become smarter than the days of world wars. There will still be skirmishes, but mankind has become smart enough to know not to sacrifice everything all over again.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Participation dance Essay
On Thursday October 28th at Cardinal Carter Academy of the Arts the grade twelveââ¬â¢s performed their ISU pieces in the theater. It was 3:30p. m after school hours. The piece I chose to critique was called, ââ¬Å"Beyond the Reflection. â⬠This piece was done to the song called Primavera. Adelaide Batuk, Julianna Bissessar and Jacalyn choreographed this piece. The dancers were Josephine Di Cosmo, P. J. Elisha, Melanie Ferrara, Lauren Paul and Chelsea Santoli. In the piece Beyond the Reflection, most of the choreography was contemporary style of dance. The female dancers wore white dresses with their hair down, each in a slightly different way. The male dancer wore a white shirt and black bottoms. This group used mirrors that hung from above the stage and hovered across centre stage. They also used black curtains that were hung over the mirrors at different times in the dance. This contemporary piece had five dancers; four girls and one boy. The piece had white lighting for most of the dance. It also has some blue lighting. The choreographer chose to use top lighting and side lighting, as well as floods and spot lights. The choreographers used many of the elements in their creative piece. They used energy, time, space and shape throughout their dance. The energy of this piece was calm but fierce. The music (primavera) was slow and soft but the dance moves were strong and powerful. The choreographers used a mixture of energy qualities. They used suspension various times in their dance. For example, the dancers did a grand battement to the front and held it in a continuous motion to second, where it then grew and was lowered. Another energy type that was used was swing. The dancers used this motion as they ran across the stage swinging their arms back and forth like a runner. They raised their arms and then used a fast motion on the way down due to gravity. Sustained was another energy quality used in this piece. One of the dancers forcefully threw her arms up high in front of her and then smoothed out the motion that continued to reach forward with a sudden burst of energy. Percussive moments were also shown through out the piece, with sharp arms and legs extending. Collapse was also used in this dance. When the dancers dropped to the floor and dropped their heads they were doing a collapsed movement. In the dance another element was used; this was time. The dance was completed in a 4/4 time signature and had accents on the down beats. The music was steady like a pulse in sections of the song and sub-diving pulse in other sections. The third element used in this piece was space. The dancers used many levels. High levels when they did a split leap, medium levels when they were standing straight and low levels when they dropped to the floor. The dancers were also given small movements such a hand rolls. They were also given medium and large movements when they ran across the stage and did various jumps. The last element that was used in the piece was shape. Many shapes were used. Spacing was either lines, scattered, or groups. The movements the dancers demonstrated were straight, curved, angular, symmetrical and asymmetrical. They used straight lines and straight legs on kicks. They used curved arms on pirouettes. Angular legs when they were bending low to form a strong stance. They also showed symmetrical positions in side jetes and asymmetrical movements as they ran across the stage. The piece Beyond the Reflection had many different ways of interpreting the piece. The choreographers demonstrated the struggles and hardships in a persons life. They choreographed movement that showed the battle of their insecurities and the people that will help them along the way. They wanted to do this piece because dancers struggle with this situation all the time. They never believe their good enough or can truly make it big, but the reality is that everyone can conquer through hard times and achieve miracles. The mood of this piece was powerful and uplifting even though the song was slower. The dancers used strong movements to show they can achieve anything and come threw and recognize the positive qualities they have. I thought this piece was presented beautifully. The dancers had great technique and also strong and passionate emotion, threw their steps and in their performance. The choreographers did a fantastic job with the choreography and the staging of the performance. I thought the costumes suited the piece and the mirrors were used apparently. The energy behind the piece and was incredible. I also really enjoyed the use of the male dancer. The three choreographers used him to his advantage and showed both males and females have life struggles and both can conquered them. This piece was very well done, and I think it was a strong and deep story line to perform apiece on. The lighting and staging was effective, as well as the movement used in this piece. I really enjoyed this piece and saw many creative movements throughout it.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Discipline And Punish The Birth Of The Prison - 1105 Words
French scholar Michel Foucault, in chapter 20 of Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison, titled ââ¬ËPanopticismââ¬â¢ discusses his position on the panopticon ability to be a form of surveillance. The following piece will summarize chapter 20 of Foucaultââ¬â¢s work, and discuss the creation of panopticism as a figure of societies transition into disciplinary forms of surveillance. Additionally, providing contemporary examples with the creation of Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV), and employ monitoring programs. Foucaultââ¬â¢s work is built off the design of Jeremy Benthamââ¬â¢s ââ¬Ëpanopticonââ¬â¢, referring to it as the perfect or architectural figure of power in modern society (1979: 4). This design, encompasses a tower at the center from which isâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Whether it be, in the penal system, where inmates are plotting an escape, creation of future crime plans, or in education, where schoolchildren are monitored for cheating, loudness, excessive chatter, or just day dreaming (Fludernik 2017: 6). Though, no one may be monitoring the subject at the time of a possible deviance, the possibility of it both eliminates the thought of doing so and maximizes the efficiency of the institution (Wood 2017). Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV), uses video camera technology in predominately urban areas to transmit and watch over specified locations to a monitoring station (Liu and Chen 2011: 1075). The principles of Benthamââ¬â¢s work the ââ¬Ëpanopticonââ¬â¢, are visible in the design and operation of CCTV, with the main premise being, to discourage people from wrong doing through the threat of constant surveillance. The cameras become internalized, as individuals become frightened of the possibility that someone at that moment is watching them, thus they self police themselves. Foucaultââ¬â¢s, argument that disciplinary power can be extended to every aspect of society, and not only the penal system is evident through the use of CCTV. Similarly, to the ââ¬Ëpanopticonââ¬â¢, whose primary intended usage was installment as a prison, CCTVââ¬â¢s was to fight crime, being initially installed in September of 1968 in Olean, New York (Zhang 2015:7). Receiving constant support fr om policy creators andShow MoreRelatedDiscipline And Punish : The Birth Of The Prison1345 Words à |à 6 PagesMichel Foucault- Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison Michel Foucault is a very famous French intellectual who practiced the knowledge of sociology. Foucault analyzed how knowledge related to social structures, in particular the concept of punishment within the penal system. His theory through, Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison, is a detailed outline of the disciplinary society; in which organizes populations, their relations to power formations, and the corresponding conceptionsRead MoreEssay on Foucaults Discipline and Punish: The birth of the prison2301 Words à |à 10 Pagesdisciplinary society can be used to understand the body in the society, I would like to begin this essay by returning to Foucaultââ¬â¢s book ââ¬â Discipline and Punish: The birth of the prison. This book deals with the disciplinary institutions and practices that emerged in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. While discipline and punish is concerned with the birth of the prison in modern Europe, it has far wider implications for the everyday lives of ordinary citizens. Notions such as micro-power, disciplinaryRead MoreMichael Foucault s Discipline And Punish : The Birth Of The Prison Essay2061 Words à |à 9 PagesMichael Foucaultââ¬â¢s chapter Panopticism from his book Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison, analyzes how power has advanced through the use of surveillance. The chapter explores how surveillance first evolved when the King was the overall dictator and enforcer. The King held all the power; he decided which rules must be followed and the consequences or punishments that were applicable when these rules were disregarded. The idea of observation and surveillance first evolved when the plagueRead MoreFoucault and Punishment Essay1172 Words à |à 5 Pageschanged to a more psychological approach compared to a public embarrassment/torture approach. The following paragraphs will discuss the development of prisons and what in fact gives people gives people the right to punish; as well as the overall meaning and function of prisons. The work by Michel Foucault in Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison will help with the arguments at hand. The first thing to be looked at is the change from a medieval concept of punishment to a more modern conceptRead MoreBiographical Paper Of Michel Foucault1272 Words à |à 6 Pagesdââ¬â¢information sur les prisons He wrote ââ¬Å" Introductionâ⬠to Dream and Existence by Ludwig Binswanger who was a Heideggerian psychiatrist and wrote ââ¬Å"Malasle mentale et personaliteâ⬠which was a short book on mental illness. He supported structuralist and poststructuralist movements and also protested on behalf of homosexuals. Some of the things he studied and wrote books for was Discipline and Punishment, The History of Sexuality, Madness and Civilization, The Order of Things, The Archaeology, The Birth of The ClinicRead MoreSystem And Oppression Of The Panopticon1631 Words à |à 7 Pageslugubrious atmosphere of a prison or a mad-houseââ¬â¢ where the clowns demonstrate a ââ¬Ëwilled and terrible of a prison of beingââ¬â¢ (pt. III, CH. 4, P. 116), the text gives a chanc e to two of the most influential studies of Foucault such as Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison (1975) and Madness and Civilisation: A History of Insanity in the Age of Reason (1965). The shape of panopticon comes from the British philosopher Jeremy Benthamââ¬â¢s (1748-1832) design for a prison. Carter used the same structureRead MoreThe Digital Panopticon: Foucault and Internet Privacy Essay example1314 Words à |à 6 PagesThe Digital Panopticon: Foucault and Internet Privacy In 1977, Michel Foucault wrote in Discipline and Punish about the disciplinary mechanisms of constant and invisible surveillance in part through an analysis of Jeremy Benthams panopticon. The panopticon was envisioned as a circular prison, in the centre of which resided a guard tower. Along the circumference, individuals resided in cells that were visible to the guard tower but invisible to each other. Importantly, this guard tower was backlitRead MoreThe Weight Of Social Awareness1025 Words à |à 5 Pagespeople who commit serious crimes. Their focus has always been to punish these individuals beyond the deprivation of their freedom and not much effort is put into treating these individuals and preparing them to get back into their community. Punishment is viewed as a way of discouraging other members of the community from committing crimes and reducing recidivism. Society often refers to prisoners as separate from their communities. Prisons serve as a physical remainder of this distinction and to reinforceRead MoreFoucaultââ¬â¢s Panopticism and Its Application Within Modern Education Systems1697 Words à |à 7 PagesBenthamââ¬â¢s Panopticon and developed by Michel Foucault describes a disciplinary mechanism used in various aspects of society. Foucaultââ¬â¢s Discipline and Punish discusses the development of discipline in Western society, looks in particularly at Bentha mââ¬â¢s Panopticon and how it is a working example of how the theory is employed effectively. Foucault explains, in Discipline and Punish that ââ¬Ëthis book is intended as a correlative history of the modern soul and of a new power to judgeââ¬â¢ (Foucault, 1977) and opensRead MoreMichael Foucaults Panopticism879 Words à |à 4 PagesSociety: Comparison to the Panopticon According to Wikepedia, a panopticon is a type of prison where the observer is able to watch the prisoners without the prisoner knowing when they are being watched. The concept of the design is to allow an observer to observe (-opticon) all (pan-) prisoners thereby conveying what one architect has called the sentiment of an invisible omnisciece. The panopticon was invented by English philosopher Jeremy Bentham in 1785. Bentham himself described the Panopticon
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